Mighty Health: Tools for Success

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Starting the Journey

This week I started using a whole health app, Mighty Health. On day 4, yesterday, I visited the dentist and had to have a tooth extracted. I broke it while out-of-town at the end of August. So, I am not exercising for a few days. I am using the time to familiarize myself with the app and write a couple blog entries.

I started to seriously change my diet and add exercise mid-June. Excitedly, I lost 25 pounds before plateauing. To my amazement, I dropped at least one “dress” size and had ample clothes to choose from for the out-of-town wedding I attended. I also was able to start cleaning out my closet and dresser drawers using size and a modified Marie Kondo mindset.

I credit the quick loss due to going from a high white flour diet to much less and introducing exercise.  I need to shout out to Cliff who encouraged me by regularly telling me, “Good job, mom”. Thank you, Cliff. Duncan dog, aka FOMO was with me every step of the way – literally.

My concern is rapid loss leading to yo-yo weight gain. Therefore, I started to use a website to identify recipe ingredients’ calories and nutritional value. I do not deny myself food that tastes great, I just pay attention to portion control and frequency. I find denying myself foods leads to abandoning diets versus a lifestyle change. My mantra is informed mindfulness.

I will start adding alternative recipes to this website as I curate or create them. The first one hopefully will be arancini with cheese in fennel tomato sauce. We had the most delicious arancini in New York. It was my first time trying it. Thank you, Scott, for ordering it for the table. I am thinking about a cauliflower rice version that will be more like suppli (rice ball with mozzarella center). I am not certain whether there will be much caloric difference between the versions. Taste of course is most important.



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