Sourdough Pancakes

I followed a recipe from the Internet and it was as advertised — very light. It was from the Tastes of Lizzy T site. I served it with maple syrup and also an option was plum compote. I did not measure for the compote. I used a small saucepan, diced plums (2), sugar and water. I put it on to boil and simmer while I prepared and cooked the pancakes.

These are the ingredients. You can find the complete recipe and steps on the original website. I am not usually a fan of recipes that contain both baking powder and baking soda. It tends to have an odd salty-soda residual taste to me. But here, it tasted good. I do place the pancakes in an oven to keep warm. But, be careful not to do so for too long or they will dry out.